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You searched for applicants who:
And attended undergraduate college at niversity of Notre Dame.

Your search generated: 54 results.

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User Undergrad College MCAT GPA APP CYCLE
fpo-table-avatar-thumb swirish12 niversity of Notre Dame 511 3.26 06/25/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb pkrgoirish niversity of Notre Dame 513 3.51 06/13/2013
fpo-table-avatar-thumb smatthe3 niversity of Notre Dame 505 3.69 07/12/2012
fpo-table-avatar-thumb Twinsguy niversity of Notre Dame 516 3.70 06/11/2012
fpo-table-avatar-thumb m9999 niversity of Notre Dame 519 3.60 06/16/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb thelens niversity of Notre Dame 509 3.59 06/13/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb starun1600 niversity of Notre Dame 509 3.65 06/02/2011
fpo-table-avatar-thumb DeltaDomer niversity of Notre Dame 517 3.70 08/24/2010
fpo-table-avatar-thumb MedSchoolBeard niversity of Notre Dame 520 3.57 07/05/2010
fpo-table-avatar-thumb IrishCalini niversity of Notre Dame 511 3.54 06/05/2010